About 'facts on cats'|...Springtime In The Rockies, with which Cat People played in multiple New York City theatres on the RKO circuit (as shown...million dollar grosses (in fact, Springtime In The Rockies ...
How much do you really know about your cat? I found out I didn't really know as much about them as I thought I did. Check out these interesting cat facts and see how many you already knew and how many you didn't. -How many bones does a cat have in its body? Answer: 244 to be exact, with approx. 20 being in their tale, which accounts for its enormous flexibility and many movements. -How many muscles are in a cat's body? Answer: 517 -How well can cats see and identify objects? Answer: Actually a cat has poor visual acuity, but can see movement quickly. A cat has 1/10 ability to see separate objects. -How does a cat's sense of taste differ from that of a human? Answer: A cat has only 473 taste buds on their tongue compared to 9,000 on a human's tongue. The cat's taste buds are mostly located on the tip of its tongue. Compared to human taste, the cat has a relatively poor sense of taste. -Can cats get sunburned? Answer: Surprisingly yes, especially light colored cats. -What is the average lifespan of an outdoor cat as opposed to the indoor cat? Answer: A cat that only lives outdoors has a short lifespan of only 6 months to 2.5 years. This is of course due to the elements outside, diseases they may catch, other animals, being killed by a vehicle, and the carelessness of humans leaving out toxic items a can may swallow. The indoor cat, on the other hand has an average lifespan of 15 years. That is much better, but as the owner of a 15 year old Siamese, 30 years is not long enough. -How many hours does a cat purr on averageduring its lifetime? Answer: A cat will purr an average of 10,950 hours during its lifetime. -What is a cat's normal body temperature? Answer: While humans have a normal body temperature of 98.6, the cat's normal body temperature ranges from 100.5 to 101.5 degrees F. -What is the normal heart rate of a cat? A cat's heart beats twice as fast as the human heart, approx. 150 to 200 beats per minute, whereas the human heart beats approx. 60 to 80 beats per minute. -How many vocal sounds can a cat make comparedto a dog? Answer: A cat can make more than 100 vocal sounds versus a dog, which can make only 10. -How old was the oldest living cat? Answer: The oldest cat documented on record lived in England, and was 35! -What percentage of cats in the US is thought to be obese? Answer: Approximately 25 to 40% of household cats are obese or overweight. -Which medication is the most toxic to cats? Answer: Tylenol given to cats can be fatal only if 1 pill is given. An owner should never give any type of medication to a cat without the approval of a veterinarian. -What spring plant is extremely toxic to cats? Answer: The Easter Lilly should never be brought into the house where there is a cat. Ingestion of this plant can cause kidney failure or even death. There are many more interesting cat facts which you can learn about your beloved pet. For everything you need to know about cats, click on the sources listed below. Sources: www.catster.com www.petplace.com |
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On a journey to the world of cats and kittens!
...with their heads and ideals high in the sky and their view far from facts on the ground, who are so eager to offer advice on education policy. Gawker...
a place where my own take on the situation becomes debatable.....well that and the fact my partner, cat, dog and Iquana are tired of listening to my rants
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